How Can I Get Involved?
The Founder’s Fund provides vital financial resources for Steve Green Ministries’ ongoing international and domestic mission endeavors. Throughout the year, we receive invitations from sponsors with limited resources and the Founder’s Fund enables us to respond by sharing in the financial burden of travel and outreach expenses. The Founder’s Fund also supports Steve Green Ministries’ ongoing recording projects. Thank you for your consideration in supporting Steve Green Ministries.
Steve Green Ministries is a registered non-profit 501 (C) (3). All gifts are tax deductible in the US.
The Founder’s Fund provides a vital way to be part of Steve Green Ministries’ ongoing international and domestic mission endeavors. Through the generous support of many friends, SGM has been privileged to partner with local churches around the world, joining in God’s work, and laboring with them to faithfully proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are grateful for those who have partnered with us and thank God continually for His provision.
Since the release of his first recording in 1984, Steve has been invited to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ through music in all 50 states and over 30 countries around the world. After all these years, the goal of Steve Green Ministries remains the same: to offer a compelling and clear presentation of the gospel, in the hope that all who hear would respond in faith, trusting Christ to the glory of God. Through recorded music and instruction, Steve strives to recount the overarching story of God’s redeeming love as revealed in the Biblical narrative: Creation (where we come from), Rebellion (what has gone wrong), Redemption (is there any hope for us?), and New Creation (all things made new).
Over the past few years, Steve has received an increasing number of invitations from overseas church leaders. One of the challenges we face is that the majority of international hosts live in countries with weaker economies and thus are dependent on SGM to share the financial burden in order to carry out their desired ministry outreaches. The gospel calls us to serve one another in love, with honor and dignity. That means SGM may absorb most of the expenses in order to not be a burden in any way. At other times the Founder’s Fund supplies only the travel expenses while our hosts provide the local costs.
Among more recent developments in ministry opportunities are the invitations that come from smaller mission churches in the US. These are bodies of believers that have limited resources but have abundant faith to expand the borders of God’s Kingdom in their neighborhoods. It has been our joy to join these brothers and sisters, recognizing that God often does His most beautiful and significant work in obscure places. His Kingdom is upside down and incarnational, after all! In each instance, we recognize that the body of Christ is interdependent and interconnected. We need the gift of God’s family around the world, and by God’s design, we also offer them all that God has entrusted to us. Your support results in much thanksgiving and praise to God as they receive your gifts of encouragement.
At the inception of Steve Green Ministries in 1984, we did not have a planned giving program. It was not until we realized the international scope of ministry opportunities that we began praying about how to answer these invitations. Over the years, many people have made contributions to Steve Green Ministries, and others have expressed interest in supporting the ministry should a specific vision be outlined and a plan for giving developed. The purpose of establishing the
Founder’s Fund was to enable ongoing mission endeavors. Our philosophy is to live and operate within the current financial provision. Every year we prayerfully ask God to direct our steps and to send us where we ought to go. Then, we watch as God provides for each opportunity, finding great joy in seeing the gospel bear fruit and grow as Christ is proclaimed.
The Founder’s Fund allows us to continue the ministry God has called us to without creating a financial burden for sponsors. The SGM Advisory Board oversees the fund development and annual expenditures. A report is available to donors upon request. The greatest opportunities lie ahead as we respond to invitations from the US and around the world, seeking to proclaim and live the truth for Christ’s sake.